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The Richest Woman In Florida – Neerja Sethi

The Richest Woman In Florida – Neerja Sethi

Welcome To Florida Before we look at the richest woman in Florida we should first look at the state itself. Standing at a trillion dollars, Florida has the fourth largest economy of any US state. That’s actually larger than the total economy of many countries....
The Richest Woman In Alabama – Jane Comer

The Richest Woman In Alabama – Jane Comer

Welcome To Alabama Alabama is among the poorest of all American states, with her rural regions being home to real economic hardship. But with a population just south of 5 million, not all Alabamans live in poverty. Actually, many are fabulously wealthy, and always...
5 Greatest British Banking Families

5 Greatest British Banking Families

Many of the most wealthy people in history have been made in the banking industry. With so much money to be made, entire families came to be known for their prominence in banking. Perhaps the most well known as the Rothschilds. With humble beginnings in 18th century...
The Biggest Company In Bangladesh – PRAN-RFL Group

The Biggest Company In Bangladesh – PRAN-RFL Group

Welcome To Bangladesh Bangladesh is one of our world’s poorest countries. Yet the economy of Bangladesh is actually growing very quickly. If current growth continues there might well be a time when the country is relatively wealthy. With a population of 166...
10 Disastrous Failed IPOS – Public Offering Flops

10 Disastrous Failed IPOS – Public Offering Flops

IPO stands for initial public offering. In short, it is when a private company goes public, offering shares to be bought and sold on the stock exchange. Often it is seen as a quick and easy way to bring in extra funds for the business, as well as making money for...
10 Incredible Sumner Redstone Facts

10 Incredible Sumner Redstone Facts

Sumner Redstone was a true media magnate, building an empire across multiple media industries over a period of decades. By the time of his death in 2020, Redstone was among the most influential people in the world. His footprint in business stretched from print media...